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Nice, France - The Poise Project: Alexander Technique for Parkinson's Initiative Teacher Training (Technique Alexander pour la Maladie de Parkinson Formation pour les Professeurs)

  • Atelier des Souffles 14 Rue Penchienatti Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, 06000 France (map)

Maintenir l’Equilibre et le Développement Personnel Tout au Long des Etapes et des Défis de la Vie avec les principes de la Technique Alexander (T.A.)

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Nice, France

The Poise Project International Initiative

Une Initiative Internationale du Poise Project

Professional Development Team Training
for Alexander Technique Teachers & Trainees
La journée de développement professionnel de The Poise Project pour les professeurs et les étudiants de technique Alexander

The Poise Project's "AT for Parkinson's" International Initiative
Initiative internationale "T.A. pour la maladie de Parkinson"

Adapting AT for People Living with Parkinson's
and their Care Partners
Adapter la technique Alexander aux personnes atteintes de la Maladie de Parkinson et à leurs partenaires de soins

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Alexander technique teachers & trainees 
Professeurs et étudiants de technique Alexander

Friday, 27 September 2019 & Saturday, 28 September 2019
Vendredi, 27 septembre 2019 & Samedi, 28 septembre 2019

Friday/Vendridi: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:30
Saturday/Samedi: 9:00-13:30 and 15:00-19:30

Atelier des Souffles, 14 Rue Penchienatti, Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, 06000 France

The training will be in English and French
La formation sera en anglais et en français

Participants interested in translating into other languages will be welcomed.
Les participants souhaitant traduire la formation dans d’autres langues sont les bienvenus.

US$ 280 (€250) AT Teachers/Les professeurs
US$ 225 (€200) AT Trainees/Les étudiants

*We will offer a discount to people coming from countries with high inflation. Please ask!

Nous offrirons une réduction aux personnes venant de pays avec une inflation élevée. N’hésitez pas à demander!

*All funds go to support The Poise Project's grassroots efforts in AT job creation, program development, research, implementation, and industry networking. This is how we are sustaining the nonprofit infrastructure and staff that makes this project possible over both the short and the long term. There are so many AT teacher opportunities and so much growth potential if we can work together with a strategic, targeted focus! Long-term payment plans are available for any AT teacher. We understand that you have financial pressure. This is WHY The Poise Project was created! We want to make sure that all AT teachers have new work opportunities and greater job security. We don't want cost to be a barrier to ANY interested and motivated team participant in this pioneering initiative. Contact Monika Gross at (for questions in English) or pour les questions en français, contact Joelle Schneider at ou +33 6 87 88 11 69 or Marie-Laure Deplaix at 06 23 23 75 49 (GMT+2)

Tous les fonds soutiennent les principaux efforts de Poise dans les domaines de la création d'emplois en AT, de l'élaboration de programmes, de la recherche, de la mise en œuvre et de la mise en réseau de l'industrie. C’est ainsi que nous maintenons l’infrastructure et le personnel à but non lucratif qui rendent ce projet possible à court et à long terme. Il y a tellement de possibilités pour les professeurs d'Alexander Technique et de potentiel de croissance si nous pouvons travailler ensemble de manière stratégique et ciblée! Des plans de paiement à long terme sont disponibles pour tous les enseignants assistants. Nous comprenons que vous soyez peut-être sous pression financière. C'est pourquoi le projet Poise a été créé! Nous voulons nous assurer que tous les professeurs de l’AT ont de nouvelles opportunités d'emploi et une plus grande sécurité d'emploi. Nous ne voulons pas que les coûts constituent un obstacle pour TOUS les membres de l’équipe intéressés et motivés participant à cette initiative novatrice. Pour les questions en anglais, contactez Monika Gross à ou 1-828-254-3102 (GMT–4) Pour les questions en français, contactez Joelle Schneider: ou 06 87 88 11 69 or Marie-Laure Deplaix: ou 06 23 23 75 49 (GMT+2)

Space is limited! / Le nombre de places est limité!

Registration is final. In case of cancellation after 16 September 2019, if no replacement can be found, 50% of the course fee will be charged.
L'inscription est définitive. En cas d'annulation après le 17 septembre 2019, si aucun remplaçant ne peut être trouvé, 50% des frais de cours seront facturés.


To train you in the mission and strategic model of The Poise Project. We would like you to join our international teams helping to expand our AT4PD initiative, and also helping to launch new target population initiatives and programs as we develop them.

Please consider joining our long-range efforts. Even if your main interest may be with other target populations than the Parkinson’s community, we want you to join our team effort by being trained in The Poise Project strategic model. It has been three years since our launch, and these trainings are one of the ways that we will become sustainable for this ambitious project. Your participation not only offers you training in best practices for AT for Parkinson’s, but it will provide financial support for our programs, outreach, and ongoing research efforts.

Vous former à la mission et au modèle stratégique du Poise Project. Nous vous invitions à rejoindre nos équipes internationales qui aident à développer notre initiative pour la T.A. et la Maladie de Parkinson et également à aider à lancer des initiatives vers d’autres populations ciblées au fur et à mesure que nous les mettons en place.

Venez vous joindre à nos efforts à long terme. Même si la population des malades de Parkinson n’est pas votre cible principale, nous souhaitons que vous rejoigniez notre équipe pour vous former au modèle stratégique du Poise Project. Nous avons lancé ces formations il y a trois ans et elles sont un des moyens de soutien de ce projet ambitieux. Votre participation vous apportera non seulement une formation sur les meilleures pratiques pour la T.A et Parkinson mais elle fournira aussi le soutien financier nécessaire aux programmes, à la communication et aux efforts de recherche en cours.


To help AT professionals learn about the particular needs of people living with Parkinson's disease (PlwPD) and their care partners, and to suggest the most successful ways to apply Alexander principles when working with this population. Then to connect you into patient referral programs with interested neurologists and allied health professionals in your region.

We will introduce you to best practices that we've been researching and how they can be presented in group settings. If you are interested in working with PlwPD in your private practice, you will have in depth information about PD and about the one-to-one AT applications for this population. You will also be part of our team of teachers that we will be working to create patient referral programs for in your region.

Participants in this team building day will be able to be part of our regional teams and future program trainings as we roll out programming in 2019 and moving forward.

Faire  connaître aux professeurs de T.A. les besoins spécifiques des Personnes Vivant avec la Maladie de Parkinson (PVMP) et de leurs aidants et suggérer les façons les plus efficaces d’appliquer la T.A. à cette population. Vous mettre en contact avec les neurologues et les professionnels de santé de votre région intéressés par les programmes d’orientation des patients.

Nous vous présenteront les meilleures pratiques que nous avons élaborées et de quelle façon les présenter à un groupe. Si vous travaillez avec des PVMP en leçons individuelles nous vous fournirons des informations approfondies sur la MP et les applications individuelles pour cette population. Vous ferez également partie de notre équipe de professeurs travaillant à créer des programmes d’orientation des patients dans votre région.

Les participants à cette formation qui vise aussi à créer une équipe de travail pourront faire partie de nos équipes régionales et des futurs programmes de formation de 2019 et plus.

People living with Parkinson’s and their care partners who participated in the “Poised for Parkinson’s” course in North Carolina./Personnes vivant avec la Maladie de Parkinson et leurs aidants ayant participé à l’atelier « Parkinson et T.A. » en Caroline du Nord.


This training day will include a two-hour workshop with PlwPD and care partners from the local community who we will be invited to attend an informal 120-minute workshop during the second training day.

In this way the training participants will be able to have the opportunity to both observe the leader’s work with them as well as have time to work with members of the public themselves. We will all share feedback with one another afterwards.

Cette formation contiendra un atelier de deux heures avec des PVMP et leurs aidants habitant la région qui seront invités à assister à cet atelier de manière informelle le deuxième jour.

Les participants à la formation pourront ainsi observer le travail de l’intervenante et auront le temps de travailler avec les membres du public (PVMP). Nous partagerons nos observations par la suite.

Our focus during this training will be on how AT can help PlwPD develop practical skills for more independent self-management of motor symptoms affecting their balance, gait and postural tone, including falls, freezing, forward neck posture and slowed movement, as well as non-motor symptoms such as anxiety, apathy, low volume speech, swallowing, and sleep interruption.

AT can offer PlwPD hope and increase their confidence, independence, and overall quality of life. AT can help them chose optimal postural tone and improve their overall functioning during iADLs (instrumental activities of daily living). It can also give tremendous support and a more positive outlook to the spouses and other family members and care partners of PlwPD and greatly reduce caregiver burden and burnout. Training their care partners at the same time helps them learn how to cue PlwPD when cognitive decline may be present, which is often a later stage aspect of PD.

The last part of the training will include a focus on the particular needs of care partners of PlwPD, and can be generalized to how AT can support care partners in many situations, especially when the care receivers have cognitive decline. It will focus on how to deliver AT in a way that gives practical ongoing skills for care partners to manage the physical and emotional demands of caregiving.

Nous nous concentrerons sur la façon dont la T.A. peut aider les PVMP à développer des compétences pratiques afin d’être plus indépendants au niveau de l’autogestion des symptômes moteurs affectant leur équilibre, leur démarche et leur tonus postural, y compris les chutes, les blocages, le cou en avant et le ralentissement des mouvements, ainsi que les symptômes non moteurs comme l’anxiété, l’apathie, le faible volume de la voix, la déglutition et le sommeil entrecoupé .

La T.A. peut offrir de l’espoir et augmenter la confiance, l’indépendance et la qualité de vie générale des PVMP. Elle peut les aider à choisir un tonus postural optimal et améliorer leur fonctionnement global durant les activités quotidiennes. Elle peut aussi apporter énormément de soutien et  un regard plus positif aux époux(ses), aux autres membres de la famille et aux aidants en général et réduire significativement le fardeau et l’épuisement des aidants. Former les PVMP et les aidants en même temps aide ces derniers à détecter l’apparition du déclin cognitif qui apparaît souvent par la suite.

Dans la dernière partie de la formation nous nous concentrerons sur les besoins particuliers des aidants des PVMP. Nous pourrons voir comment la T.A. peut soutenir les aidants dans de nombreuses situations, en particulier quand les malades ont un déclin cognitif. Nous aborderons la façon d’enseigner la T.A. de manière à donner des compétences pratiques sur une base continue aux aidants pour qu’ils puissent gérer les exigences physiques et émotionnelles de leur situation.

The training will be led by Monika Gross, Executive Director of The Poise Project, and co-designer of the “Poised for Parkinson’s” AT-based course for PLwPD and their care partners.

La formation sera animée par Monika Gross, Directrice Générale du Poise Project et co-créatrice de la formation T.A. pour les PVMP et leurs aidants du « Poised for Parkinson’s »

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The Poise Project AT for Parkinson’s teacher training in Los Angeles, April 2018.

In this training we will include:

  • Definition of Parkinson's and its symptoms 

  • Current research in AT for Parkinson’s disease

  • How traditional AT educational methodology can be adapted for this population and some best practices as recommended by AT teachers with expertise in the field

  • Working with middle and late stage PlwPD, particularly when there is cognitive decline.

  • Emotional and psychological considerations when working with individuals with a degenerative disease, both for participants and for teachers

  • The realities of financial concerns when delivering AT for PlwPD and a discussion of how we can work together to find future solutions to remove barriers to access

  • How best to talk about AT to the medical care providers, allied health professionals, and research scientists that you may come in contact with in the field of Parkinson's disease and when advocating for AT for this population

  • Report on THE POISE PROJECT AT for Parkinson’s initiative and our targeted team presence at conferences and events, including the 4th World Parkinson Congress in Portland in 2016 and the 5th World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto in 2019. 

  • How to include care partners to support learning and increase retention of AT principles for PlwPD, as well as to give them self-management skills to address the serious stresses of their own circumstances.

  • Report on THE POISE PROJECT "Partnering with Poise" care partner course that has been delivered at ten sites across North Carolina and Washington DC, and the “Poised for Parkinson’s” course for people living with Parkinson’s that has been delivered at three sites in North Carolina, both which were funded by the Parkinson's Foundation, and the IRB research studies of each of these courses that was done through the University of Idaho managed by AT teacher and research scientist, Dr. Rajal Cohen.

Cette formation comprendra :

  • Définition de la Maladie de Parkinson et ses symptômes

  • Recherche actuelle sur la T.A. et Parkinson

  • Comment la méthode pédagogique traditionnelle de la T.A. peut être adaptée pour cette population et quelques-unes des meilleures pratiques recommandées par les professeurs de T.A. experts en la matière

  • Travailler avec des PVMP se trouvant aux stades intermédiaire et avancé de la maladie, en particulier quand il y a un déclin cognitif

  • Considérations émotionnelles pour les participants et les professeurs lors d’un travail avec des personnes ayant une maladie dégénérative

  • Réalités des questions financières pour les cours de T.A. pour les PVMP et discussion : comment pouvons-nous travailler ensemble et trouver des solutions afin de faire sauter les barrières à l’accès à la T.A.

  • Comment parler de la T.A. aux médecins, aux professionnels de santé travaillant avec eux et aux chercheurs scientifiques avec lesquels vous pouvez entrer en contact dans le domaine de la Maladie de Parkinson ainsi qu’aux PVMP pour leur recommander la T.A. 

  • Présentation du Poise Project pour Parkinson et de nos équipes présentes aux conférences et évènements, spécialement le 4ième Congrès International de Parkinson de Portland en 2016 et le 5ième le Congrès International de Parkinson de Kyoto en 2019Comment amener les aidants à soutenir l’apprentissage et à aider les PVMP à mieux retenir les principes de la T.A. Leur donner des outils d’autogestion pour faire face au stress de leur situation

  • Présenter le « Partnering with Poise » (formationT.A. pour les aidants) du Poise Project donné en Caroline du Nord et à Washington DC une dizaine de fois ; ainsi que le « Poised of Parkinson » (formation pour les PVMP) donné trois fois en Caroline du Nord.

  • Ces deux cours ont été financés par la Parkinson’s Foundation et l’IRB. Ils  ont fait l’objet d’études de recherche dans le cadre de l’Université de l’Idaho sous la direction du Dr. Rajal Cohen, professeur de T.A. et chercheuse scientifique.



9:00–12:00   Briefing on The Poise Project mission and strategic model, and the AT for Parkinson’s initiative to date (15 minute break included)

12:00–14:00  Lunch break (Studio is closed)

14:00–18:30 Background on Parkinson’s symptoms and pathology, and current research on AT for Parkinson’s. Begin training in best practices in working with PlwPD (15 minute break included)


9:00–13:30 Basic training in best practices in working with PlwPD.

13:30–14::45 Lunch break

15:00–17:00 Workshop with members of the local Parkinson’s community

17:00–17::45  Debriefing & Discussion re workshop

17:45–18:30    Basic training for working with Care Partners -- not only specifically of PwP but also in general the physical and emotional demands on caregivers, especially in cases of care receivers with physical and cognitive decline

18:30–19:30   Questions, Sharing and Next Steps



9h00-12h00 : Présentation de la mission et du modèle stratégique du Poise Project et de l’initiative T.A. pour la maladie de Parkinson à ce jour (pause de 15 minutes incluse)

12h00-14h00 : Pause déjeuner (pas de possibilité de rester dans la salle)

14h00-18h30 : Symptômes et pathologie de la Maladie de Parkinson et recherche actuelle sur la T.A. et Parkinson. Début de la formation sur les meilleures pratiques de travail avec des PVMP (pause de 15 minutes incluse)


9h00-13h30 : Initiation aux meilleures pratiques de travail avec des PVMP

13h30-14h45 : Pause déjeuner

15h00-17h00 : Atelier avec les membres de la communauté parkinsonienne locale

17h00-17h45 : Debriefing et discussion sur l’atelier

17h45-18h30 : Initiation au travail avec les aidants; pas uniquement pour Parkinson mais aussi en général les exigences physiques et émotionnelles des aidants, en particulier quand les malades ont un déclin cognitif.

18h30-19h30 : Questions, échanges et prochaines étapes


Please consider also joining THE POISE PROJECT intensive course trainings in Budapest, Hungary, and in Basel and Rheinfelden, Switzerland earlier in September:

8 - 12 September 2019
Professional Teacher Training in “Partnering with Poise” Course:
A replicable AT-based course for Family Caregivers
unique training for experienced teachers to join an international project to deliver a replicable AT-based course. Join us in this pioneering international project. The Poise Project has an ambitious goal. We want to reproduce this course at multiple sites around the world as an example of the first-ever replicable AT-based programming. We want to demonstrate the potential for successful expansion of AT-based subsidized programs for not only the Parkinson's community, but for other target populations as well. In this way we are working strategically to remove barriers and bring the AT principles and AT teachers into a wide variety of new job settings. This course was developed with grant funding from the Parkinson's Foundation, and both were part of research studies led by Dr. Rajal Cohen at the University of Idaho.

14 - 15 September 2019
An introductory weekend in Basel, hosted at the invitation of SBAT for their 2019 annual educational forum. Belinda Mello, Dr. Anikó Ball, and Monika Gross will introduce The Poise Project's strategies and successful approaches during the SBAT-FORUM 2019 weekend in Basel, hosted by the Swiss society of AT teachers. Breakout sessions will cover group teaching, working with medical and dental professionals, and an intro to AT for Parkinson’s. Training will be in English and German. Others interested in translating into other languages will be welcomed.
For more information and to register, please go to this link:

16 - 20 September 2019
Professional Teacher Training in “Poised for Parkinson’s” Course:
A replicable AT-based course for People living with Parkinson’s
unique training for experienced teachers to join an international project to deliver a replicable AT-based course. Join us in this pioneering international project. The Poise Project has an ambitious goal. We want to reproduce this course at multiple sites around the world as an example of the first-ever replicable AT-based programming. We want to demonstrate the potential for successful expansion of AT-based subsidized programs for not only the Parkinson's community, but for other target populations as well. In this way we are working strategically to remove barriers and bring the AT principles and AT teachers into a wide variety of new job settings. This course was developed with grant funding from the Parkinson's Foundation, and both were part of research studies led by Dr. Rajal Cohen at the University of Idaho.

Download THE POISE PROJECT Timeline 2016-2019 by clicking here to be inspired by all the amazing achievements that our strategic model and a small group of determined individuals have been able to accomplish so far!


Monika Gross presenting research from The Poise Project pilot studies at the 5th World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto, Japan, June 2019.

THE POISE PROJECT administered our first grant from the Parkinson's Foundation in 2017-2018 to deliver an AT-based course for care partners of PlwPD, “Partnering with Poise”, at eight sites in North Carolina. We received a second grant in early 2018 to expand this program into Washington DC. We are currently administering a third grant we received from the Parkinson's Foundation in mid-2018 to design and deliver a new AT-based course for PlwPD, “Poised for Parkinson’s”, at three sites in North Carolina, and a fourth grant in 2019 to expand it to three more locations in North Carolina.

In relation to these programs, we did research projects to measure the efficacy and long term retention of AT training for PlwPD and care partners.

Teachers who participate in this AT for Parkinson’s initiative training will be considered part of the pool of teachers we will draw from for our future class programming and research projects for PlwPD and care partners as new classes are created and regional expansion occurs, as well as being part of the pool of AT professionals trained in our strategic model to assist in community outreach for all our future initiatives.

We are planning 2019 trainings in these courses in Chicago in October/November 2019; and in Los Angeles and San Francisco in January and February 2020.

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The graduates of The Poise Project’s first “Poised for Parkinson’s” course in Asheville NC for people living with Parkinson’s and their care partners. The development of this course was funded by a grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation, and is part of a research project through the University of Idaho.

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Meredith McIntosh, Monika Gross, Suzy Perkins and Shellie Cash at the Parkinson’s Foundation Moving Day October 2017.

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Improving, learning, growing: "Poised for Parkinson's" participants in Asheville NC, April 2019


MONIKA GROSS is Executive Director of The Poise Project, a nonprofit with the mission of maintaining natural poise and continuous personal growth throughout all stages and challenges of life through the principles of Alexander technique (AT). The Poise Project is committed to removing barriers and making AT available across socio-economic groups and to those with chronic conditions. As of Fall 2018, it has received three Parkinson's Foundation Moving Day® Community Grants to deliver AT-based classes to people in the Parkinson's community in North Carolina and in Washington DC. She has conducted this AT or Parkinson's teacher training and established a patient referral program in the Bay Area in partnership with Dr. Maya Katz, a movement disorder specialist at UCSF.

Monika had her first AT lesson in 1976 and was certified in 1985 in Lydia Yohay's (ACAT) teacher training program in NYC. She is a teaching member of the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT) and Alexander Technique International (ATI), as well as a member of the local regional AT teacher consortium Alexander Teachers of the Mountain Region (ATMR). She is also a Registered Somatic Movement Educator with the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA). Monika holds a BFA in Drama from the North Carolina School of the Arts.

Monika is co-owner of Form Fitness & Function, and has a private AT practice in Asheville NC. She also offers AT training via Skype or Zoom.

Phone: (USA) 1-828-254-3102 (EST) - on WhatsApp
Skype: thepoiseproject

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THE POISE PROJECT® is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization launched in 2016 to bring Alexander technique principles to new populations, and to increase accessibility across broad socio-economic groups.

Our Mission is to help people maintain poise and personal growth throughout all stages and challenges of life using the principles of Alexander technique (AT).

Our Mission is realized through promotion of the profession, creation of programs adapted for specific populations and industries, and support of cutting edge research in the field.

We use a coordinated team approach uniting individuals who have benefited from AT, industry expert advocates, and AT professionals.

We have received four grants from the Parkinson's Foundation to deliver AT-based programs for people living with Parkinson's and their care partners in North Carolina and the Washington DC Greater Metro Area. We have also received a 2019 grant from the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America to deliver our care partner course to family caregivers of people with dementia.